Third Memorial Anniversary of My Mother & Tsunuki Pagoda (母の三回忌と津貫の仏塔)

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Third memorial anniversary of my mother was conducted at Housyouji (宝聖寺) temply of our home village Tsunuki (津貫). We are amazed at seeing the newly constructed gold-colored pagoda tower at the Housyouji temple. It has a unique design with two eight spoke falun (法輪) inside of the tower built on a lotus flower platform. I was especially excited to see colorful Lung ta (経文の旗) dancing in the blue sky of my home village. It was a very emotional moment to find lung ta in my home village that gave me a feeling as if I were back in Bhutan. The souls of my mother, father and ancestors may also be dancing and chatting in the wind. It is always special to be back home.

