JSAA Arbitration Judgement

Finally got an Arbitration Judgement from the Panel of The Japan Sports Arbitration Agency (JSAA) that declares “Perfect Victory” of my case submitted for the arbitration on August 17 2020. http://www.jsaa.jp/award/AP-2020-003.pdf (all in Japanese)

In fact, the process has started since Nov. 2019 when rootless allegations from two of the relatives of para-TT players were made. As soon as the allegations were received, the Japan Table Tennis Federation for Intellectual Disability (FID) was quick to take me out of the coaching even a month before the first (and last) hearing held by the Federation’s Compliance Committee with helpless coach (me) in Feb., 2020. Thereafter, the ranking race for Tokyo Paralympic was completed by the end March, 2020. The Compliance committee sent me an investigation result which denied five of six allegations but one, sexual harassment, was admitted. In reality, it was the case that “I told” at the hearing, not the player, as an example of successful coaching during the practice session at Slovenian Open, May 2018. On a request from the female team, I provided a half hour coaching, during which I briefly touched her right hand and elbow, right foot and knee to show the direction. Thereafter, she won against higher-rank players and our female team reached the final. Nearly two years has past, as the player now said, she did not like it according to the committee, it was now considered as sexual harassment. My submission to prove innocence to the Compliance committee with the testimony of three witness was not considered at all and the Federation gave me a punishment of “Guidance”??. In fact, instead of giving me a guidance, a notice reached me on 23 August 2020 informing that ‘you are no longer federation’s coach”. So, I was obliged to fight at the JSAA for my innocence and to recover my dignity that was thrown into a dustbin. We know that the sportsmanship (predominantly man) and fair-play is hard to realize. But, it is good governance that is most needed for the world of sports. I am committed to continue taking steps to move toward a fair, just and happier world.