


I had a big pleasure to meet with 500 students of Morioka high-school in Eastern Japan where I shared my experience in the UN and talked about how to move one’s human life forward overcoming adversities. I sincerely thank our youth to have given me lively responses and new energy to start a new year of my life. Thanks everyone my friends giving me heartfelt birthday messages. Our lives will go on.


キャリア形成 元国連職員語る 盛岡の高校:写真 : 読売新聞 (yomiuri.co.jp)

台湾の第48回 国際「自由杯」長青卓球錦標賽で団体優勝しました!!

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台北に来ています。国際「自由杯」長青卓球錦標賽というオープン大会に参加。かなりハイレベルな大会ですが、60代で、夢にも見ていなかった団体優勝できました!! 去年は3位、華原さんや徐高東さんのいるチームに敗れています。今回はそのチームに別のチームが勝ち、準決勝を3-2で勝ち、決勝進出。決勝では1番手でこれまで勝ち続けてきた私が、2-2の5-9から9-9まで挽回したのですが、力尽き、涙。万事休すかと思われたのですが、仲間が一つずつ勝利を積み重ねて優勝させてくれました。こんなに感激したのは人生の中でも、いつのことだったか覚えがないほどです。チームの勝利というのは、本当にありがたく、うれしいものです。本当にありがたい経験と思い出をいただきました。

来年は2025World Masters Gameが台湾であるとのこと、ぜひ参加したいと思います。ガンバロー!!

Gold Medal !! in the team (得和集団) event at the 2024 Taiwan International Veteran Table Tennis Open “Freedom Cup”

I came to Taipei to participate in the International Veteran Table Tennis Championship as a member of 得和集団 team. It was truly beyond our expectations that we have come to the final and got the Gold Medal for our team. I was able to lead the team winning all till the semi-final but at the final, the most crucial one, it went to the last 5th game with the opponent and I recovered from 5-9 to 9-9. Everyone was expecting my finishing the game with a big smile. Then, the goddess smiled at the other side… It was so devastating heartbreaking moment. But, my team mate made it one by one…, and finally, the team won!! I was so excited, relieved and proud of our team mate. There is true team spirit and efforts not only the players but also all colleagues and friends cheering us up. Thank you for this great heartwarming experience of life. Next year, there will be the World Masters Game in Taiwan, let’s participate and enjoy Sports beyond Age!! 非常感謝、Muchisimas gracias, Arigatou.

能登半島地震と津波の被災地の方々の無事と安全と迅速な復興を祈ります/New Year Prayer for the people affected by the Earthquale and Tsunami

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While we are celebrating the new year with family and friends, human disasters continue in Ukraine, Gaza and mother Earth in general. Our peace and joy were suddenly shaken by the news of M7 earthquake centered in Ishikawa prefecture located upper middle (Japan Sea side) part of Japan. There are news of human casualties, fallen houses, collapsed roads, and fires. It appears that most parts of the Japan Sea coastal area are under direct threats of Tsunami. Positive news are immediate responses and relatively calm orderly people’s reactions to this sudden shocking occurrence of natural disaster even in the middle of new year celebration. The deep sad memory of the Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami is still vividly alive in our heart. 

Our new year prayer will certainly be with the people affected by this earthquake.

Wishing you and the people affected by the disasters both human and natural to have a resilient, safer and happier year 2024!!

Enlightening a corner, is a national treasure.(一隅を照らす、これすなわち国宝なり)

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Enlightening a corner, is a national treasure.


These days, traveling is back to normal and Japan is one of the most favorite places to visit.

I just visited Kyoto, and prayed for the peace at three important temples, Enryakuji(延暦寺), Kiyomizu temple(清水寺)and East Honganji (東本願寺). It is a sort of walking through the history, magnificent wooden architecture, and a cornerstone of Japanese Buddhism. There was a big crowd of tourists at Kiyomizu. What I took back in my heart is the word of Saichou (最澄), whom I admire as a truly enlightened pioneering monk in 8th Century, “place a light at (enlighten) a corner of the world”. Are we all living in a center of the world? Maybe yes, as we can see the world only from where we stand. Maybe not, as we always admire the people who are at the center of world attention and feel no one care about me at a dimmed corner of where we are. Never mind, it is all depending on a state of our mindset. Let’s put a light at a corner of our heart and community, that brings me and you a happiness.

Welcome to Japan!!


A watermelon, three old friends and the Great Buddha of Kamakura (西瓜と3人の協力隊の旧友と鎌倉の大仏)

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A watermelon, three old friends and the Great Buddha of Kamakura.


Three friends who met in the training camp of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) 40 years ago in 1983, met together and visited the Great Buddha today. Four decades back, Mr Kuribayashi served in Costa Rica, Mr. Ozawa served in Morocco, and I served in Peru as a ping pong coach. I believe, we have had good karma with good fate. For that, I thank you all. The Great Buddha is looking handsome as usual in front of a big watermelon.

Greetings with my wish to you all to keep healthy and happy in the truly hot summer season!!



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Today, to our TT friends of the Kingdom of Bhutan , a boxful of table tennis materials donated by ping pong friends of Japan through World Table Tennis (卓球王国)was handed over to a shipping company. Those materials will be utilized under the oversight of the Bhutan Table Tennis Federation (BTTF). I have been working with BTTF since 2004. It is always a big pleasure to be part of an endeavor to increase happiness (GNH) of the youth, boys and girls, and those who, otherwise, are not having access to sports. Thanks & Be Happy!!

卓球王国を通じてたくさんの卓球用具のご支援を、海を越えた協力活動にご賛同くださった皆様からいただきました。今日は、いただきましたラバー、ラケット、ユニフォーム、ボール, シューズなど計25kgの卓球用具をダンボールに詰めて、国際宅急便でブータン王国の卓球連盟に贈りました。ブータンには卓球用具は存在せず、買える子供もいないので、貴重品です。ブータンの子どもたちが卓球競技に親しみ、大会等に参加するための大事な一助となります。またブータンを訪問して短期指導したいと思います。




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Today, I shipped a boxful of table tennis materials donated by many ping pong friends of Japan through World Table Tennis (卓球王国)to ping pong friends, boys and girls of Peru. We have a very producive and trusted collboration with Liyau Foundation (Mrs Monica Liyau) with the objective to help advance sustainable development goals (SDGs) through prividing children in various corners of Peru with opportunities to practice table tennis. It is a very small act but we believe it is a meaningful step toward the right direction.

Thanks, Arigatou, for the donation and the fruitful collaboration with Liyau Foundation, “Impactando Vidas”.

卓球王国を通じてたくさんの卓球用具のご支援を、海を越えた協力活動にご賛同くださった皆様からいただきました。今日は、いただきましたラバー、ラケット、ユニフォーム、ボールなど計25kgの卓球用具をダンボールに詰めて、国際宅急便でペルー共和国に贈りました。寄付していただいた卓球用具は、ペルー国内の二百校あまりの小中学校で卓球の普及活動をしているNPOの”Impacting Lives”というプロジェクトで活用されます。卓球用具など見たこともなく、買うこともできない子どもたち、家庭、学校にとっては、貴重品であり、選手として大会に参加できる喜びや希望を持てるキッカケになっています。





新スポ連/全国卓球選手権大会 で二冠達成(初の団体優勝と二回目の個人優勝)

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新スポ連の第58回全国卓球選手権大会 (岡山)で初の団体優勝(60代)を成し遂げることができました。個人戦でも優勝。二冠というのは初めての体験、やはりチームで勝つというのは喜びも元気もお酒の量も倍増しますね。チームリーダーの河島さん、ダブルスパートナーの万沢さん、今回参戦できなかった高田くん、そして応援してくださった九十九チームのみなさん、あたたかく迎えてくれた岡山のみなさん、ありがとうございました。優勝の賞品、きびだんご30個を2箱いただきました。

For the first time, we won the Gold Medal (60’s) in the team event at the JNSF 58th National Table Tennis Championship & I was fortunate to get another Gold Medal (60L) in Men’s Singles.

It was held in Okayama Prefecture, central west part of Japan, one of my best friend, Mr Tachibana, who won the bronz medal both in the team and Men’s singles events, brought me to Okayama castle and the very famous Japanese garden, Kourakuen (後楽園)for sightseeing. As we have learnt to live with Covid, there were many tourists from various parts of the world. You all are most welcome to visit Japan. We are now in the spring, let’s enjoy ping pong, food and drink together.




Silver at the Tokyo Table Tennis Open Tournament

It was four years back I won the game with Mr Wu (呉四海) from Shanghai, China in this tournament, then lost. We promised to play at the final in the next tournament. After four years (we become 60’s), today, due to Covid, we finally played at the final of Tokyo Open. This time, Mr Wu won the championship by 3-2. It was hard to reach the final, and the final was even tougher. At the end, we all won the friendship. Isn’t it NICE!?



Thailand Open Masters Games 久しぶりの国際卓球交流・タイオープンマスターズ初参加・初優勝

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Wonderful friendship and championships at the Thailand Open Masters Games!! スポーツを通した国際交流はいいですね!!

“We are the champions” in the team event of men 60’s, and I also got the gold medal in the men’s singles in the same category. At the final match of the team event, I was the last player losing by 0-2 games. People in the hall was excited and cheering up the Thai player who was about to defeat a Japanese opponent. It was a matter of a pure luck that a tide of the game changed. My coming back to get 3 consecutive games brought a champion trophy of men’s team event to Japan team. There is a short movie of the game and prize award ceremony of our game below (in the middle of the movie at aroung 5:00 min)

Similarly, the goddess of victory kissed my racket in the thrilling games of 3-2 with Hong Kong player and the final with our team mate, Tachibana, in the men’s singles.

With or without a trophy, it was a wonderful moment of life that has brought instantaneous and natural friendships among players from different corners of Asia including Thai, Hong Kong, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Korea, China and Japan.

I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our Thai friends, particularly, Van-san and Charlie san, as well as the organizers of Thai TT Association for their love to sports and extraordinary hospitality. Last but not least, my sincere appreciation goes to Kahara (華原)san for leading us, and Nishida (西田) and Tachibana(立花)kun for their great company. We all are looking forward to the next gathering of table tennis friends without border.